Well I'm about to buy a laptop with the money I got for my birthday... it will be a Toshiba something with a RADEON HD3650, 4GB RAM and a 2.5 Ghz Dualcore, it looks pretty ugly but I don't really care because the specs are ok... it's just... I feel very bad about this all.... spending this amount of money (850€) makes my heart bleed...
I mean I always wanted to have a lappy, so I could play LAN games with my friends or casually watch Anime anywhere.... but as larger the bill gets the bigger are my doubts if I do the right thing..... but I guess that's normal, eh?
:( I feel my new laptop is now worthless thanks to this thread *hangs head in shame*
gah when did your b'day happen!?
/i is ashamed ~_~
anyway, its what is higher priority that matters...
i'd imagine if you're having doubts.. something else is on your mind..
Senseito Sakura Wrote:gah when did your b'day happen!?
/i is ashamed ~_~
anyway, its what is higher priority that matters...
i'd imagine if you're having doubts.. something else is on your mind..
Senseito Sakura!! you R back!!
back on topic,.. : >!>
I am still waiting for flash drives and quad core lappy's!! :(
but there alot of good stuff these days and a duo core is like standard issue now,. so you even be able to play some nice games,.!
Senseito Sakura Wrote:gah when did your b'day happen!?
/i is ashamed ~_~
anyway, its what is higher priority that matters...
i'd imagine if you're having doubts.. something else is on your mind..
OMG Sensei!!!!!! *hugs* It's soooo great to hear from you again... first I thought I had a delusion when I read "Senseito Sakura"... (NOTE: No Chaos;Head reference here... :P)
And I hadn't something else on my mind it's just the amount that created my doubts^^
Well I just came home with it, turned it on and immediately "Please Enter Password:____" I was like double you tee eff? :o

No password written anywhere... I called the shop and they gave it to me... -.-
Anyways it's currently installing Mac OSX 10.52 Leopard^^
A good lappy costs a good sum
Just remember that your paying for the benefits of having a laptop as well as the alppy itself :P
SkyDX Wrote:I feel very bad about this all.... spending this amount of money (850€) makes my heart bleed...

I think i found the laptop you mean, at least the specs are close:
TOSHIBA P300-150
If you think you're spending a lot try buying it in the uk. £679.99 ($1,045.78) for a refurbished one!
and that's before P&P!
EDIT: just read your post again and realised the price you gave was in euros not dollars. the price i found is actually €833, so cheaper.
My point fails completely.
* PSPkiller goes to find a corner...
EDIT 2: Yo Senseito.... How's Egypt? (if that's where you are...)
SkyDX Wrote:Anyways it's currently installing Mac OSX
as expected! ^^
did the installation go well?