Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [request]monthly colors <> random colors
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I have no idee how to make this but would be nice feature!
system>>theme>>color>>monthly colors but then random color 1 pic/color of the 01-12.bmp

so basicly a patch/hack/plugin to turn monthly colors into random colors each time you start up the PSP<.!?

With CXMB3.3 its posible to select random theme on start-up.

This would be good specially for oyur themes :D:D

But to bad something like this here wouldn't work Hellcats Plugin

Because this plugin does randomize wavepapers, & I wonder since the vshmain is edited to allow bigger & better 01-12.bmp's could wee keep the edited vshmain.prx & put the bigger wave papers in the correct directory & would it then load correctly?? I don't see why not since it loads fine with the stock settings...
WOW this looks interesting!
Still i my idee is somewhot different,. ,. i want to change the monthly option in top of colors list into random color,. that's all,..

just wandering if that is posible,. and if i see whot hellcat did,. O_O
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