09/11/2008, 08:54 PM
I don't know if its something that apple did or whatever but I found out how to get into japanese itunes! heres a pic, read below to find out how you can get it.
ok so i was at this kanji site for japanese and they have a little button with the word itunes on it. and i clicked it and guess what i seen japanese itunes, you can buy all those songs rigth from your pc instead of buying and waiting for them, points at azumi. so just click here »ITUNES JAPAN« if that doesn't work goto this site right here and look for the itunes button. »Kanji site«
Freakin enjoy it
however you will have to create a new account WHILE IN JAPANESE STORE it is difficult but it is possible since its all in japanese ill guide anyone through this step just add my hotmail a_bucky_boy@hotmail.com
Lasty the reason why Im posting this in the first place is because people thought it was impossible to get a legit account on itunes without a credit card. luckliy me and my friend were able to translate some key things that you need to put it, wee just inserted the address for pizza hut in tokyo and the phone number and all that, selected なし (none) for credit card and then created a hotmail account with the same info then autherized our accounts with the itunes store, and then inputed our paypal account. you can have 5 autherized accounts with itunes, and it won't screw up your original account if any. I will most likely do a very detailed guide soon but for now you can just use msn. to ask me how
ok so i was at this kanji site for japanese and they have a little button with the word itunes on it. and i clicked it and guess what i seen japanese itunes, you can buy all those songs rigth from your pc instead of buying and waiting for them, points at azumi. so just click here »ITUNES JAPAN« if that doesn't work goto this site right here and look for the itunes button. »Kanji site«
Freakin enjoy it
however you will have to create a new account WHILE IN JAPANESE STORE it is difficult but it is possible since its all in japanese ill guide anyone through this step just add my hotmail a_bucky_boy@hotmail.com
Lasty the reason why Im posting this in the first place is because people thought it was impossible to get a legit account on itunes without a credit card. luckliy me and my friend were able to translate some key things that you need to put it, wee just inserted the address for pizza hut in tokyo and the phone number and all that, selected なし (none) for credit card and then created a hotmail account with the same info then autherized our accounts with the itunes store, and then inputed our paypal account. you can have 5 autherized accounts with itunes, and it won't screw up your original account if any. I will most likely do a very detailed guide soon but for now you can just use msn. to ask me how