Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Full HD Video on the 5D MkII
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Now that I'm actually seeing hwat it can do, rather than just readin specs, I really want one of these even more Sadist

Also, Zinga, you need to put Dailymotion embedding in here somehow lol
There have been sample videos out on many sites. The first being Vincent Laforets blog I think
He made the video with one of the 'test' 'prototype' models and it looks wonderful. People even compare it's video capabilities with RED cameras which will cost you a fortune!
EDIT: hmmmm it seems that video has been taken down. I'll look for it because I think Canon had gotten exclusive rights to it or something.


Oh yeah, this is the future of HD video for sure
But this camera will be eXx1l3d from numerous sport events because of it's video capabilities.
Because companies have payed for exclusive video rights.
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