highboy Wrote:matchung Wrote:highboy Wrote:matchung Wrote:do i miss something? when opening system_bg
are you running the exe right next to the files folder for i found if make a short cut in my side bar for example she gives me error also.
not shortcut, direct click from folder, opening rco is fine, system_bg is not.
o that sucks im trying to recreate the error here but have not been successful.in two days testing i never got that ether.it can't find the pic to display in the picture box is what it is but i am unsure why atm.
@ Vegetano1
Ill see what i can come up with and i couldn't find anything about the new wave really.im still looking so i can update this to version 2.
!?>>?! the new "original" wave does't use the tga from system_plugin_bg.rco,.!? could it be that is stored in the vshmain,.!? or maybe the "original" wave does't use an image,.!?
and yes a nice font/infobar color editor is welcome!! ask LAZY matchung he knows all the color offsets!! ;p
i will donate you some!,.. some from my only donation i got over the years for making my theme's,.// sigh! urg,.. :)
strange, it works on my vista, but not in XP
matchung Wrote:strange, it works on my vista, but not in XP
now theres a thought i have dual boot here ill see if i can see what's up.thanks for that bit of info.my main tester was unavailable so i did it myself ill know better next time.
Edit-»it worked on my copy of xp and i tried it on my moms computer and worked there also but after i updated her framework to version 2
@ Vegetano1
the system_plugin_bg.rco and opening_plugi.rco both use tga for the original wave but not for the new one this is where im lost.theres some extra stuff in the opening_plugin.rco but not enough that i can see.i did look in the vshmain and am seeing reference to it kinda deal but nothing solid this far.i also was looking in the theme dat file but only see ptf kinda stuff there.i know it will show it self sooner or later.thanks for the offer to donate man i have to pay for rapidshare fees soon but i think its covered.
great looking gui!!
This will be nice and helpful :)
and yes rcotool is very nice! Just wish there was a way to extract/inject the page data fields of the rco using it to make even easier theme updates :(
ill have to try this one out
sweetness thanks for another app highboy.
ver cool app if i must say infact all ur apps are ! ODV out !
Need little help! if i extract a wave the .wav is 0kb,.!? trying to extract from 500 opening_plugin.prx
Vegetano1 Wrote:Need little help! if i extract a wave the .wav is 0kb,.!? trying to extract from 500 opening_plugin.prx
this application doesn't deal with wav you must use boot sound replacer for that
highboy Wrote:Vegetano1 Wrote:Need little help! if i extract a wave the .wav is 0kb,.!? trying to extract from 500 opening_plugin.prx
this application doesn't deal with wav you must use boot sound replacer for that
DUH,. wrong topic,. sorry,. i was making wave and bootsound,..