Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2
Hey, my real name is Nathan Tran Trinh.

I'm 14 years old. Not new to PSP downgrading and upgrading but I am new to XMB. So if I ask silly questiosn about XMB, you'll know why (I'm a total noob at them)

I am  currently attempting to learn C++ and I hope it does me some good in the future.
Douzo yoroshiku TTU.TheyToldUs.
welcome! post away good sir

not like you needed my permission or anything though
No, but he DOES need mine....but I'll allow it.

Welcome and have fun.
this the title then

Neophitic Presence

no more mods ???
Double post
and welcome xD
Title to what? my rank?
hi welcome
Pages: 1 2
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