Endless Paradigm

Full Version: redirecting sub icons in 5.00?
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vertical scroll 0 is just super fast scrolling so that your icons would be swapped very fast. You could merge the sub icon and main icon together and delete all of the sub icons in top menu. Then the static icon would move every time the main icon changes.
LeMon- Wrote:vertical scroll 0 is just super fast scrolling so that your icons would be swapped very fast. You could merge the sub icon and main icon together and delete all of the sub icons in top menu. Then the static icon would move every time the main icon changes.

Ill probably do that but ill have to get rid of the unfocused main icons that at 100 spaced out from each other and make them invisible but il see

thank you guys very much for your support
kevinsturf Wrote:
LeMon- Wrote:vertical scroll 0 is just super fast scrolling so that your icons would be swapped very fast. You could merge the sub icon and main icon together and delete all of the sub icons in top menu. Then the static icon would move every time the main icon changes.

Ill probably do that but ill have to get rid of the unfocused main icons that at 100 spaced out from each other and make them invisible but il see

thank you guys very much for your support

make the main icons 0 spaces apart 0 alpha unfocused and a nice 600 horizontal speed and you will get a good looking fade from item to item, but the text won't move, it will just fade out and in.
SchmilK Wrote:
kevinsturf Wrote:
LeMon- Wrote:vertical scroll 0 is just super fast scrolling so that your icons would be swapped very fast. You could merge the sub icon and main icon together and delete all of the sub icons in top menu. Then the static icon would move every time the main icon changes.

Ill probably do that but ill have to get rid of the unfocused main icons that at 100 spaced out from each other and make them invisible but il see

thank you guys very much for your support

make the main icons 0 spaces apart 0 alpha unfocused and a nice 600 horizontal speed and you will get a good looking fade from item to item, but the text won't move, it will just fade out and in.

ok ill try that, once again thanks, been a big help
Thank you schmilk gonna chocolate that alpha method in my theme.Ahaa
LeMon- Wrote:Thank you schmilk gonna chocolate that alpha method in my theme.Ahaa

i tried it with a size of unfocused main at 8.000001 and the effect with the smooth scroll is just amazing, i think I'll keep it that way. well time to continue working on it
Muhehe. I didn't know what alpha channel was until now lol.
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