this is awsome! thank you! matchung :)
hate opening up cmd all the time so I made a quick .bat file in case anyone wants to use it for quickly converting/unpacking, just rename ptf and ctf to default.ptf and default.ctf for pack/unpack,
hopefully they make a GUI soon, or red squirrel updates ctf manager

dliug Wrote:this is awsome! thank you! matchung :)
hate opening up cmd all the time so I made a quick .bat file in case anyone wants to use it for quickly converting/unpacking, just rename ptf and ctf to default.ptf and default.ctf for pack/unpack,
hopefully they make a GUI soon, or red squirrel updates ctf manager 
Hey thanks man :)
I hate using command prompt.
*** Donates dliug an E-Pig
I have a big problem... whenever I unpack a 5.00 .ctf I only get a modules folder with a few .prxs and no .rcos or fonts.... I have in support/500:
and vsh.prx (NOTE: I couldn't find a vsh.prx but I was told that I simply need to rename vshmain.prx to vsh.prx)
All 3 files are freshly decrypted from a 5.00 update Eboot
get a correct vshmain.prx from Power Tools thread then try again....
Thanks for the reply matchung! I have downloaded the 5.00 .prx pack from the Power Tools thread and tried that now, however the result is still the same, only a few .prxs get unpacked......
The theme I try to unpack is "R3 Baby's Breath 5.00m33" found here:
ensure your files are in correct place:
run unctf your.ctf
you will get 22 files.
Ahh thanks matchung! I finally got it working..... I made a stupid mistake....

Thanks again for your help!
I never really got to thank you so i must say it "THANK YOU" ow that hurt my left kidney and my right lung and probably like 10 dead brain cells but CTF Manager compatibility issues are a pain..
Man i killed a kitten

I'm gonna make a Save the Kittens Thread
Please see if all done correctly?
CTF tool 5.00 - automatic conversion AK-47 ;)
![[Image: 8ae224e5950b.png]](