Endless Paradigm

Full Version: CTF/UNCTF command line tool for PC (support 5.00)
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this is awsome! thank you! matchung :)

hate opening up cmd all the time so I made a quick .bat file in case anyone wants to use it for quickly converting/unpacking,  just rename ptf and ctf to default.ptf  and default.ctf for pack/unpack,

hopefully they make a GUI soon, or red squirrel updates ctf manager If
dliug Wrote:this is awsome! thank you! matchung :)

hate opening up cmd all the time so I made a quick .bat file in case anyone wants to use it for quickly converting/unpacking,  just rename ptf and ctf to default.ptf  and default.ctf for pack/unpack,

hopefully they make a GUI soon, or red squirrel updates ctf manager If

Hey thanks man  :)
I hate using command prompt.

*** Donates dliug an E-Pig
I have a big problem... whenever I unpack a 5.00 .ctf I only get a modules folder with a few .prxs and no .rcos or fonts.... I have in support/500:

and vsh.prx (NOTE: I couldn't find a vsh.prx but I was told that I simply need to rename vshmain.prx to vsh.prx)

All 3 files are freshly decrypted from a 5.00 update Eboot
get a correct vshmain.prx from Power Tools thread then try again....
Thanks for the reply matchung! I have downloaded the 5.00 .prx pack from the Power Tools thread and tried that now, however the result is still the same, only a few .prxs get unpacked......

The theme I try to unpack is "R3 Baby's Breath 5.00m33" found here: http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...?tid=14461
ensure your files are in correct place:

run unctf your.ctf

you will get 22 files.

    filename: /vsh/module/music_browser.prx
    start: 0x0010347e
    size:      178982
    filename: /vsh/module/music_player.prx
    start: 0x0012efa4
    size:      320176
    filename: /vsh/module/PAF.PRX
    start: 0x0017d254
    size:          63
    filename: /vsh/module/photo_browser.prx
    start: 0x0017d4c6
    size:      108524
    filename: /vsh/module/RECOVERY.PRX
    start: 0x00197cb2
    size:       25784
    filename: /vsh/module/sysconf_plugin.prx
    start: 0x0019e16a
    size:      209388
    filename: /vsh/module/VSHMAIN.PRX
    start: 0x001d1356
    size:         118
    filename: /vsh/module/opening_plugin.prx
    start: 0x001d18fc
    size:       63580
    filename: /vsh/resource/01-12.BMP
    start: 0x001e1158
    size:      393192
    filename: /vsh/resource/game_plugin.rco
    start: 0x00241140
    size:       92900
    filename: /vsh/resource/opening_plugin.rco
    start: 0x00257c24
    size:       65620
    filename: /vsh/resource/photo_browser_plugin.rco
    start: 0x00267c78
    size:       85132
    filename: /vsh/resource/sysconf_plugin.rco
    start: 0x0027c904
    size:      553756
    filename: /vsh/resource/system_plugin_fg.rco
    start: 0x00303c20
    size:       42868
    filename: /vsh/resource/topmenu_icon.rco
    start: 0x0030e394
    size:       54480
    filename: /vsh/resource/impose_plugin.rco
    start: 0x0031b864
    size:       39584
    filename: /vsh/resource/system_plugin.rco
    start: 0x00325304
    size:      151604
    filename: /vsh/resource/music_browser_plugin.rco
    start: 0x0034a338
    size:       93088
    filename: /vsh/resource/msvideo_main_plugin.rco
    start: 0x00360ed8
    size:      356924
    filename: /vsh/resource/topmenu_plugin.rco
    start: 0x003b8114
    size:       79540
Ahh thanks matchung! I finally got it working..... I made a stupid mistake.... Ahh
Thanks again for your help!


[Image: Necropost-kitten.jpg]
I never really got to thank you so i must say it "THANK YOU" ow that hurt my left kidney and my right lung and probably like 10 dead brain cells but CTF Manager compatibility issues are a pain..

Man i killed a kitten Erk
I'm gonna make a Save the Kittens Thread
Please see if all done correctly?

CTF tool 5.00 - automatic conversion AK-47  ;)

[Image: 8ae224e5950b.png]
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