I noticed my original Pirates of the Caribbean 1 umd does't work in 5.00m33, works fine in 3.52m33,.!?
this means my Custom PotC3 umd's also don't work,. :(
If dc8 comes out i can test to see if it does work on the Original sony firmware,.
I was going to get a UMD cleaning kit,.. but i still have fat with 3.52m33,.
anyone got video UMD that won't work in 5.00m33,.

Ill try some wild boys....when i figure out which freakin box its in LMAO...
ok i tested with Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children and it seems to be working fine.also, im on a fat too. I don't know about yours, maybe something with the umd drive?
SchmilK Wrote:Ill try some wild boys....when i figure out which freakin box its in LMAO...
kevinsturf Wrote:ok i tested with Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children and it seems to be working fine.also, im on a fat too. I don't know about yours, maybe something with the umd drive?
someone on an other site also had problems playing my Custom PotC3 umd so i tried the original PotC1 umd i have and also stops playing,.. i have a SLIM but worked fine on other cf,..
so i wanted to see if the PotC1 UMD worked on ofw so i installed sony original firmware 5.02 and the UMD worked fine.
So i reinstalled 5.00m33 with update4 and guess whot,. the UMD works again,..<>?!? i am so happy because now my Custom PotC umd iso's also work again,.
I have no idee whot caused the problem,.
well after a new install the UMD did work fine,. but a week later same prob,.. <>!<>>?
the only setting i changed is key-tone> on,..
in recovery region to japan AND back to none,..
can't turn PSP off,. i have to get out the battery and turn psp on again,.
Vegetano1 Wrote:I noticed my original Pirates of the Caribbean 1 umd does't work in 5.00m33, works fine in 3.52m33,.!?
this means my Custom PotC3 umd's also don't work,. :(
If dc8 comes out i can test to see if it does work on the Original sony firmware,.
I was going to get a UMD cleaning kit,.. but i still have fat with 3.52m33,.
anyone got video UMD that won't work in 5.00m33,. 
you probably already know but theres a patch to install a 5.00 M33 installer into DC7 i tested it, works fine
J_G_ Wrote:Vegetano1 Wrote:I noticed my original Pirates of the Caribbean 1 umd does't work in 5.00m33, works fine in 3.52m33,.!?
this means my Custom PotC3 umd's also don't work,. :(
If dc8 comes out i can test to see if it does work on the Original sony firmware,.
I was going to get a UMD cleaning kit,.. but i still have fat with 3.52m33,.
anyone got video UMD that won't work in 5.00m33,. 
you probably already know but theres a patch to install a 5.00 M33 installer into DC7 i tested it, works fine
Nope did't

thanks for heads up!! :)
well i give up,.. once reinstallled 5.00m33-4 with dc8 i can play POTC only once the second try semi-brick,. <>!>?