Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Wippien, Hamachi Alternative
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[Image: Necropost.jpg]
Hey i wanted to knoe whether wee can use wippien to play condition zero ?? nd also fifa ?


[Image: screaming%20zombie.jpg]
chetanmhjn Wrote:Hey i wanted to knoe whether wee can use wippien to play condition zero ?? nd also fifa ?

If they have LAN mode yes.  uhmm well if it works with hamachi then it should work with wippien too.
Alrighty, so I went through the setup process, everything is okay! BUT!

No one is online. >_> Not even in the chat room you mentioned.

And I want to play online. XD


I just realised this thread is several months old, No wonder the chat room isn't there >_<
is it better than garena?
only if you plan on playing games garena doesn't support i guess :D


what do you play? :D
Clocky Wrote:Alrighty, so I went through the setup process, everything is okay! BUT!

No one is online. >_> Not even in the chat room you mentioned.

And I want to play online. XD


I just realised this thread is several months old, No wonder the chat room isn't there >_<

ahh yes.  the need for speed is old.  I had some issue with wippien. (it didn't work on vista 64 bit and i was using that.  then i stopped playing games on wippien.  didn't sign on.  But now wippien gotten better with 64 bit support and even voice chat!  I updated it on GTA IV and yes there's not a lot of players online in the room grandtheftauto4.  i played with a few but i need to post a video on youtube to bring more people in that room.  try to stay online in the room and people may join sometimes.

sticky Wrote:is it better than garena?
like boogy man said =o_o=  Garena doesn't support every LAN games but this one does if you configure it.  It's similar to Hamachi pretty much  but a little different which is why i like it better than Hamachi.

boogschd Wrote:only if you plan on playing games garena doesn't support i guess :D


what do you play? :D

I still have boogyman on my friend list in wippien xD
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