Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [RELEASE] Easy Spoof for 5.00 M33-3
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Easy Spoof V.1 BETA
ONLY for 5.00 M33-3

[Image: 2ztg5n5.png]

Easy Spoof is a simple tool that allows you to spoof your firmware version.
Just to be clear what this does:  It does NOT actually change your firmware, just the firmware version display in the XMB, under "System Settings/System Information".

NOTE:  You must install Easy Spoof to the GAME5XX folder, or it will refuse to start  ;)

This is BETA V.1 - I will probably update in the future to allow more than 8 characters to be used in firmware spoofs.

Much thanks to Super Sheep & Matchung who made writing this a million times easier...   SONY has now dynamically stored 2 characters in the firmware string within vshctrl.prx, which had me a little confused when i first began to write this...  THANKS GUYS !!  :D
lookin good dude
just tried it out
im 5.00m33-3  and my kernel 5.xx but it is said ''you not 5.00m33-3'' :S
i not made. can you help me?
akide Wrote:im 5.00m33-3  and my kernel 5.xx but it is said ''you not 5.00m33-3'' :S
i not made. can you help me?

in recovery menu try changing the kernel
also you sure you updated to the latest version???
shizz, the girl at the game icon says, "5.00 m33/3", lol
akide Wrote:im 5.00m33-3  and my kernel 5.xx but it is said ''you not 5.00m33-3'' :S
i not made. can you help me?

Please post your version.txt from:


I would like to take a look at it.
Mr. Shizzy Wrote:
akide Wrote:im 5.00m33-3  and my kernel 5.xx but it is said ''you not 5.00m33-3'' :S
i not made. can you help me?

Please post your version.txt from:


I would like to take a look at it.

my sistem informations look:
[Image: screen1dz7.png]
opsss. i see ''5.01'' :S

what can i do? can you help me?
Must i make ''pandora'' ? pfff....
Another Quality product from Mr. Shizz. Good work man, looks great.
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