Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Soldier Front Anyone Play?
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dose anyone play i do its very good a bit like counter strike as i have been told
nope i play cs though
nope .
I play socom 3/CA :)
what's it about lol  ????????????
its apperently like cs but ihavent played cs so i can't say but its loads of fun
cs is ok
nice wen playing over lan
lol amz u belllend u dint even explain to em wat it is!!

basiclly its an online army game, u can hav single games with up to 16 players in 1 room, or team games with up to 8 ppl in each team and its all free and its all online so theres always someone hu wnts 2 play with u! if people start sayin stuff like "ooh its poo poo because its free, can't u afford a decent game like CS" and stupid shiznit like that, then ur gay :) but yeah anyway wats the point in payin for CS wen this game is jus online with decent graphiccs and addictive :D:D

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