Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I just made a 3Ds MAX 2009 theme =)
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I just made a 3Ds MAX 2009 theme =)

[Image: 73686007eq7.jpg]

what do you guys think ?
lol monochrome for the win :D
Coooool!!!! Looks really great!!!
boogschd Wrote:lol monochrome for the win :D

lol you like making me google words don't you LOL

Great work organ
.:ʕΘЯg@nÊ”:.â Wrote:
boogschd Wrote:lol monochrome for the win :D

lol you like making me google words don't you LOL

:( ...


sorry :)
LOL ...
you look like a normal person in your picture, i guess you like to fool people... then again what's normal? a guy who likes japanese, dresses like a gangsta with blingy bling and has mad photoshop/3ds skills.
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