Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Sukiyaki Western Django
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Anybody seen this?

I know there was a limited release but unfortunately it wasn't showing here.
I might "find" it somewhere and watch it

but has anyone here seen it?
if so, was it any good?
Oooooooooooooooooooohhhhh yeeeeh I wanted to see this.........I'll "get" it tonight and watch it...

I might do it tomorrow, I have school tonight and I know I will be interupted
i have seen this movie it during 2hours , and it's a really weird movie I'm fall asleep ZzZzZz xD

I wanted to see in its theatre glory but like I said it wasn't playing
http://www.apple.com/trailers/independen...erndjango/ this is the trailer for it for those who haven't seen it
i sooooooooo love the look of this movie
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