Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Metalgear08 got a DSLR!
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MY XSI/450D FINALLY CAME!! Srsly, I am soooooooooooo happy right now.
* demonchild is jealous.

No. Really, I want to see some test shots...
Nice :D
Wooooooooow nice!!! How much????
MehHakker Wrote:Wooooooooow nice!!! How much????

His little brother, which he was more than glad to give away...


Sweet, enjoy it

* Kaiser demands some pictures.
Kaiser Wrote:
MehHakker Wrote:Wooooooooow nice!!! How much????

His little brother, which he was more than glad to give away...


Sweet, enjoy it

* Kaiser demands some pictures.

lolololol XD!!!! I wish I could do that :P
MehHakker Wrote:Wooooooooow nice!!! How much????

$660 with this special Amazon deal for $4 overnight shipping. Another $15 for a 4GB SDHC card

And I'll post shots in a bit
Sweet, have fun, but make sure you don't do anything stupid with it, or else it'll all be for naught.
canon for the win
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