Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Tetris999 got a tablet! and a drawing too hurr hurr
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Well, i recently just said; heck i want a tablet

seeing rikku with it and everyone i know who has photoshop having it; i just had to get one

now see, i knew im no major artist; hell i havent even drawn before since grade 1

so today just about 5 hours ago i got a bamboo 4x6 tablet and made a quick drawing

i was trying to put emphasis on the eyes and face; i don't think its that bad for my ever first time drawing (and especially anime!)

ill just keep practicing faces then move on to bodies after :P

[Image: 71813348ir6.jpg]

and obviously its my own character xD

 i was trying to make it a boy.......but the eyelashes went wrong and ended up girly :P 
WOW. Amazing
Kaiser Wrote:WOW. Amazing

lol, thanks!

im wanting to draw kos mos, but i don't want destroy a sketch of her with my crappy skills :(

also, i don't know if i should continue and color it or just leave it as it is (rikku's vector skills would come in handy just about now..... :P)
Faces are haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard!!!! So are hands....and proportions......basically drawing in general :P

Looks nice though!!!! VECTOR VECTOR VECTOR!!!
very nice
Tetris999 Wrote:
Kaiser Wrote:WOW. Amazing

lol, thanks!

im wanting to draw kos mos, but i don't want destroy a sketch of her with my crappy skills :(

also, i don't know if i should continue and color it or just leave it as it is (rikku's vector skills would come in handy just about now..... :P)
? i can teach you if you like
R!KKU Wrote:
Tetris999 Wrote:
Kaiser Wrote:WOW. Amazing

lol, thanks!

im wanting to draw kos mos, but i don't want destroy a sketch of her with my crappy skills :(

also, i don't know if i should continue and color it or just leave it as it is (rikku's vector skills would come in handy just about now..... :P)
? i can teach you if you like

i would really appreciate that rikku :D
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