Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Why are computer start times so slow?
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On my old Celeron 533MHz with 128MB of SD RAM, Windows XP takes approximately 1.5 minutes to boot up.  On my current Athlon X2 4200+ with 1GB of DDR SD RAM, it takes around 0.75 minutes (not including POST times).  Sure, I have more startup applications on my current machine, but considering how many times faster it is, you'd expect the load times to be a fair bit lower than that...

Looking around, I've only seen seen a few people with boot times for XP/Vista under 30 seconds.  So why haven't computer start up times increased much?

as an aside, 98lite (modified Windows 98) on my Pentium 200MHz takes roughly 30 seconds to boot up
...My computer boots pretty fast

but I don't know why they don't improve start times...
I guess if they did you would need bullet reflexes to get into bios or setup mode though...
i guess it depends on the stuff that loads on startup ? :D

mine starts up in a minute or two.

not really sure lol
wait...are you talking about total time
before os time or
os time?
Slushba132 Wrote:wait...are you talking about total time
before os time or
os time?
I'm excluding POST times (POST = power on self test, basically, the time that the BIOS takes during startup).
yeah that happens,. after win install start-up woill only get slower,. i hates that!!
Ill restart in a bit and time my boot.
My PC also boots slow like hell but I honestly don't care since I just push the power button and do something else meanwhile^^
SkyDX Wrote:My PC also boots slow like hell but I honestly don't care since I just push the power button and do something else meanwhile^^

Same, I usually take a leak cause i only turn it on in the morning.
my old pc used to boot in about 15 seconds including post screen

amd at 1.66ghz overclocked from 1.2

384mb  70mb used at startup and 18 processes

try some of my boot time tweaks from the xp thread they still work
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