mmm i was going to some stuff from vegetano1's themes (since they are easy to adapt into other themes) to make a few new ones.
so i was wondering:
What tool do i use for this?
How do i make multiwallpaper .bmp?
It is really quite complex considering I think, you are thinking it will be a simple process, but this is V1's tutorial within the spoiler, it lays it out step by step. & I am only assuming you're talking about changing the 01-12.bmp?!
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]Here is a little PM i send to someone CS its a basic 01-12 tut,. but very basic
download this:
if you open batch you see a line you can edit but its already ok,.
so now remane batch.txt >> batch.bat
Now save your picture's in photoshop with "save for web & devices"
then choose jpg and then you see in left bottom corner the amount of K
use the quality slider to come near 32K not 32 just under.
and save the jpg named "01.jpg"
now open this 01.jpg and the size.jpg in hex-workshop
see where/wich offset your jpg ends and look for that offset in the size jpg
then if from there all are 0000 then copy from that offset to end of size jpg
and past that part(only 0000) to your 01.jpg,. so now your jpg is the same
size as the size jpg,..
the blocksize should now be 32766
to check if you set the block size correct in your vshmain check the "16 unsigned short"
of both these 2 offsets:
255E0 and 254F8 set both unsignhed shorts to 32766(not the float!)
to make a test run copy your padded/sized 01.jpg 12x and rename them
all 01.jpg, 02.jpg, 03.jpg, 04.jpg,....... 12.jpg
Place them in the same folder as the batch.bat and double click batch.bat,. and there is your 01-12.bmp
with all the same picture's you now have to do all other picture's,. ;)
note: when using alot of black in a picture you can get 100% quality and still have only 20K
you will need to copy more 0000 from size.jpg just make sure you only copy 0000's and
then delete to get the right size/offset end
hope this helps!
300x170 is fine
helpfull things when using 01-12
- an original wave makes more room for 01-12.bmp
- the tex_line in system_plugin.rco can be resized to 16x8
- dummy all files in topmenu_plugin.rco
-l oose infobar
- use 8bit picture's where posible,. eg all dummy files you used(use rcoedit 114 to add 8bit picture's)
maybe someone should make a tutoriol of this,. lol
i have experienced that merging with blessedhands tool does't work well,..
Hey Gadget where is that STACEY KIEBLER theme for 4.01!?