Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 3.71 Fatmsmod patch for 5.00
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Quote:Just a little update to the fatmsmod patch, it stopped working in 5.00 due to a sony file changing its name.

Instructions: decrypt 3.71 using psardumper (square option).
Copy the file fatmsmod.prx in the root of memory stick.

Copy FATMS371 to /PSP/GAME or /PSP/GAME5XX. Run the program and done.
Fatmsmod !? Hmmm

whot is Fatmsmod!? Flatterd
help to improve ms read/write.. starting from 3.8, $ony makes spoon changes..
i actually thought read times were better on 5.00 witnh my 8gb stick :-/

when i used the fatmsmod patch on 4.01 i could no longer read or write to the eeprom of battery to make it pandora :(
same wiht this one...when i open hellcat pandora installer for 3.xx Rev4.a...opens up and says

//current battery serial: 0x00ab0000

!Error 0x800200D9 loading/starting kstuff.prx
>ms0:/batser.bin found - serial : 0xffffffff

None of that is true :(  If i reformat and re run the pandora installer to change batteries WITHOUT the fatmsmod patch all works fine...so i don't knwo what is going on...

maybe there is a better utility to swap between pandora and regular battery?

nope still aproblem :(

[Image: snap136eq3.jpg]


I am installing update 4b for the hellcat pandora tool...hopefully that resolves it :)
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