what u guys think?
i see batman
idk who the other is?
nice by the way
its batman and scorpion but it kind looks like subzero after i got done with it lol
its for mk vs dc uni.
lol dc vs mk
nice, although a little to evenly sharpened, i wouldve erased the sharpening a lil everywhere except the focal point.
rockhead Wrote:i didnt sharpen it O.O
oh, seems a little sharp around where the eyes and nose level is, maybe i really do need new glasses
oh i may try to clean it up a bit
looks really nice. Ya, your right about scorpion (kinda hard to tell it's not sub zero) Maybe you should add a little yellow in there. not too much though.
lol i dunno im more of a subzero fan lol maybe that's why i like it so much :D
kk, then just say it's sub zero instead of scorpion