Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 5.00 M33-3 release
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A quick fix for the big bug introduced in M33-2...

Quote:- A bug was introduced in 5.00 M33-2 that made some games and homebrew not to work.
- PSN version check is now automatically bypassed without need of touching any setting.

Mirror1: http://rapidshare.com/files/156743814/500m33_3.rar
Mirror2: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=J2B220F8

new recovery options too
That was fast.  Thanks for the update matchung :)
Hihi updated! Hihi

wander if the "no sound bug" was/is really a bug,.?
Vegetano1 Wrote:Hihi updated! Hihi

wander if the "no sound bug" was/is really a bug,.?

i first thought my psp has some probs Hihi but after rebooting it sound was fine o_O
Updates are the goooood.
woot fast update re great
Anyone else in the US getting the message that the store is down for maintenance? (Making sure it's for real, and not another bug)
Noticed these updates aren't available via network update, did DAX drop that?  Thanks for posting this.
Games like a Grrl Wrote:Noticed these updates aren't available via network update, did DAX drop that?  Thanks for posting this.

M33 Network Update was broken on 5.00 M33. It's fixed in 5.00 M33-2.

@matchung - Those options were added in M33-2.

Still great nevertheless. Thanks :D
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