Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2 3 4
Sorry guys, I really don't know what happened.  I'm putting my tab on the host's problem. (and they're rather slow at responding)

Weird thing is that I have a script which tries to determine if the server is down by getting it to ping external sources - if it fails to do all that, it will try to send emails (to an external account and an internal one) then reboot the server.  According to cron logs, the script was run normally (meaning there wasn't a crash), however I've gotten no emails or anything... (need to get home to confirm no internal mail arrived)

I'm having thoughts on switching hosts at the moment...
Is this one that bad ?
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Sorry guys, I really don't know what happened.  I'm putting my tab on the host's problem. (and they're rather slow at responding)

Weird thing is that I have a script which tries to determine if the server is down by getting it to ping external sources - if it fails to do all that, it will try to send emails (to an external account and an internal one) then reboot the server.  According to cron logs, the script was run normally (meaning there wasn't a crash), however I've gotten no emails or anything... (need to get home to confirm no internal mail arrived)

I'm having thoughts on switching hosts at the moment...

Hmmm that is wierd :/
chinz Wrote:Is this one that bad ?

Well, it's been down for extended periods severals times now...
I couldnt for 2 days...
Pages: 1 2 3 4
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