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PRX Offsets 5.00 M33

Matchung's Funky SpotLight Wave Video

Source: YouTube

Thanks to XanderChaos for the wave offsets

5.00 VSH Module Descrambler

Check Thread

DeScrambled Float Files

Bookmarks For DeScrambled Float Files



If you see a value without a description, the effect is either unknown or very discreet, or its untested. So why not try changing the value and report back! :)

Hex ValueFloat ValueDescription
0x000DC66.6Busy/Loading Icon Speed
0x0012C235X position of Clock - No Battery
0x00130203X position of Clock
0x0013C123Y position of Clock
0x001441alpha mute shadow?
0x00148122Y position of Mute Shadow
0x0014C7X position of Mute Shadow
0x001501Alpha of mute?
0x00154124Y position of Mute
0x001F066Y position Main Focused
0x001F864Y position Network Unfocused
0x001FC63Y position Main Unfocused
0x00380-260X position of xmb in Game
0x00384-290X position of xmb in Infobar
0x00404-190X position of xmb in Submenu

Hex ValueFloat ValueDescription
0x000004B8Speed of one of the waves.
0x00000BA4Height of one of the waves.
0x00000BA8Changes shape of one of the waves. Sort of like 0x00000BA4
0x00000BACY Position of one of the waves.
0x00000BB0Curve/shape of the other wave.
0x00000BB4Y Position of the other wave?
0x00000BB8Waviness of one of the waves? At 5 you see only one, flat wave. At 1.5 it looks deformed, but you see both.
0x00000BBCBrightness of one of the waves.
0x00000BC0General speed for both waves. You can make it go backwards with this. The closer to 0 the faster it moves.
0x00000BC4General speed for both waves again...? The higher the value, the faster it moves. Seems to impact the speed of the wave when you start up the PSP more than the above offset.

These are all based on older values found in older firmwares, (untested). They Should work but if they don't, please say.
mcabe have u noiced the old floats arnt in the new vshmain(some of them only tried a few) clock xmb etc,,
lol yeh loads are missing >.>

seems to be a lot of floats with the value 1032 O.o
this is gonna suck looking for offsets:P

hmm i wonder if everything is set on that float like somehow they have the xmb all the way to the side or somthin and they make it come on screen with a big float? maybe most likely not though lol

seems like every prx has the offset 1032

lol a million edits later mcabe what's ur msn?(or aim if u have)
yah i muffed the offsets up a bit,..1 sec or 2 :P
yeah offsets are mysteriously used somehow...I've got about 20 hours of testing and looking and have come up with nothing good for repositioning or text lengths or text position.
SchmilK Wrote:yeah offsets are mysteriously used somehow...I've got about 20 hours of testing and looking and have come up with nothing good for repositioning or text lengths or text position.

u think somehow sony en-scripted them or something? may sound kinda stupid but u never know
k will fix font colours after dinner!!

unless someone else wants to?

The addition of the two colours sony added for the slim may have messed this all up :P, then again I'm probably wrong.
Thye definitely did something..if you change the xmenu position in topmenu_plugin upon boot your menu is moved..but when you exit a submenu it is miraculously moved back to -130  :(

i searched EVERY SINGLE FILE that was dumped and decrypted from the eboot and nthing had -130 as a 32bit float :(  then i tried every other type of datatype available to search in vshmain for that and still had nothing :(

also you will notice that the subcategory positions are broken up and not all in a line, and not in the same order wee previously knew them as.

Thanks for helping!  Hopefully someone discovers something that wee are over looking!
SchmilK Wrote:Thye definitely did something..if you change the xmenu position in topmenu_plugin upon boot your menu is moved..but when you exit a submenu it is miraculously moved back to -130  :(

i searched EVERY SINGLE FILE that was dumped and decrypted from the eboot and nthing had -130 as a 32bit float :(  then i tried every other type of datatype available to search in vshmain for that and still had nothing :(

also you will notice that the subcategory positions are broken up and not all in a line, and not in the same order wee previously knew them as.

Thanks for helping!  Hopefully someone discovers something that wee are over looking!

do u think maybe they moved them to the other prx's like in the kd folder or somthin they have to be somewhere:p
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