Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Does this mean the prediction game has to end?
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You see, I posted one time in The Prediction Game thread: see here and Ge64 gave an incorrect response.

Now I can't bring that up in the same thread because that would negate my point in this thread, but so far everyone's post has been correct except that one. (i.e. that I can't help but post again)

Does a prediction such as that warrant an end game?

What do you think?
Hmm, currently it's true, but no-one can predict the future after all...  It could be false in the future.
yes ok i will edit it to say true and edit it again to say false when you post again :P
Dude. Look Here for another false response. He said false true. What kind of answer is
that? :P
a correct answer :P
And an incorrect one. :mdr:
LOL, I can't believe I got replies. I wasn't serious.

@Ge64: That's cheating. But then, I've come to expect that from you... Hahaha
i thought so :P
Lies? Which part?
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