17/10/2008, 08:47 AM
I was playing a real mans sport aka Rugby and as I sholder barged past 3 people and it came to the really fat defender so I thought fudge it I will barge him so I did and he fell on the floor and rolled over, I then fell on the floor and scored a try (a goal) and as I hit the floor I knew something wasn't right and as I tried to get up I got a massive pain in my right side of my back, I had to stay there until the s chool nurse came and put me on a spinal board and with the help of some of my friends carried me back to the medical room where i was given a check and the nurse concluded I had pulled 6 muscles and I had to go directly home. I am in a bit of pain not allot only when I move left or right or bend down or back i also can't breathe properly but that's ment to go after a good nights sleep. But yes I am hurt and might not have to go school on Monday woo.