16/10/2008, 07:27 AM
source: http://dark-alex.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=14494#p14494
can't use unsigned prx, can't capture
Quote:To enable flash0 access over USB on official firmware:
1. use whatever program you want to extract the DATA.PSP from an update EBOOT
2. use prxdecrypter 2.0c to unpack the updater modules from the DATA.PSP; run it again to decrypt them
3. rename three of them:
* sceLFatFs_Updater_Driver.prx > lfatfs_updater.prx
* sceLflashFatfmtUpdater.prx > lflash_fatfmt_updater.prx
* sceNAND_Updater_Driver.prx > nand_updater.prx
5. set up an old-style magic memory stick (pre-DC6)
6. replace resurrection.elf in the MMS's "kd" folder with the ELF version of nandTool
7. copy the renamed PRX files into the MMS's "kd" folder
8. use nandTool to load the USB menu
can't use unsigned prx, can't capture