Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2


[Image: gd9au.jpg]
isn't DRM same as spywares in pc? ive remembered when they $ony have a DRM over their music cd and whenever it played over the pc, a certain file was been written inside the pc without the consent of the user, thus acting like a spyware as it disable some abilities of your pc

and then the consumers sued $ony for DRM protected items, lol
krystabegnalie Wrote:isn't DRM same as spywares in pc? ive remembered when they $ony have a DRM over their music cd and whenever it played over the pc, a certain file was been written inside the pc without the consent of the user, thus acting like a spyware as it disable some abilities of your pc

and then the consumers sued $ony for DRM protected items, lol

That's just Sony being retards (like always).

Most normal DRM aren't spyware.
Pages: 1 2
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