Endless Paradigm

Full Version: dasme's left
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I've just been informed that he'll be leaving from India to Singapore on a 5 month trip (by ship) tomorrow.

So, I guess he won't be here for about 5 months...  He's contributed a fair amount to this site, and he's a nice guy, so I'll be missing him (yes, I formulate excellent sentences).  I wish him a wonderful and safe trip.

Anyways, whether he reads this or not, before the trip is another matter :P  If he doesn't, he'll be able to 5 months later down the track (assuming this site still exists :P).
Have a nice and safe trip dasme.
Come back soon BRO
bye dasme, hope u hav fun there in singapore, and don't 4get about us!

bye dasme see you soon
wow 5 months on a ship... i wish u luck.
why does it take 5 months to get from india to singapore? is it a canoe :P
Have fun dasme :he:
WHAT!!! He won't be around to see his character in the final chapter of the background stories!!! Arrrrgh!
Ge64 Wrote:wow 5 months on a ship... i wish u luck.
why does it take 5 months to get from india to singapore? is it a canoe :P

I am in merchant navy. Currently Deck cadet.
I have to join my Ship from Singapore, so i will go thr by plane ;)

And it isn't a canoe :rofl: it's a 345m Long VLCC ( Very large crude oil carrier)

miss u guys
c ya
Double post
does this mean zinga will be looking for new admin ?`

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