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Along with PS3 v2.50 details, the latest in the Playstation Blog details what will be in v5.00.

Quote:PSP (v5.00) update

Let’s start with the v5.00 update for PSP. In this version, you’ll notice the addition of the PlayStation Notwork icon on the XMB. You can now sign up for PlayStation Notwork, manage your account and access PlayStation Store directly from your PSP - meaning you can download games directly to your PSP while connected via Wi-Fi. Getting games, demos and trailers while on-the-go has never been easier! Check out the screen below.

The current PlayStation Store on the PC will be down in the interim as wee take some time to revamp. Don’t worry, it will re-launch soon after wee’ve made some tweaks. Please keep in mind, if you already have a PlayStation Notwork account, simply sign in on your PSP using your existing information. The same account and wallet can be used on PS3 and PSP. You will be able to check out the PlayStation Store on the PSP soon, as wee’ll have a video demo featuring Grace Chen posted soon on the Blog.


Update v5.00 adds a sleep timer option that can be used while you are playing music on your PSP. In addition, wee’ve added a full screen keyboard option for text entry and have redesigned the background of the XMB. You’ll be able to find all of the information on Firmware v5.00 here once it goes live.

Source: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2008/10/1...-psp-v500/

At least it's more interesting than v4.00.
Senseito Sakura Wrote:At least it's more interesting than v4.00.
Indeed, can't wait for a new custom firmware, might give me a reason to use my psp again XD
AWESOME. See, I'm fine paying for discounted digital games, as I have no physical media to break or lose, and it still shows support to developers. The physical media thing is the whole reason I use ripped ISO's anyway.

This, plus the rumor that all 2009 and later PSP games will be digital PSN games makes me a very happy gamer.

It comes out Wednesday, so lets hope Dark Alex can crack it by next Friday :D
i give him around 3 days till he cracks it
Wait, 5.0?  Wasn't 4.05 the latest one?
Senseito Sakura Wrote:
Quote: In addition, wee’ve added a full screen keyboard option for text entry

Woah...i wonder how close to Vibestar's OSK layout this may be LOL

[Image: snap000zr2.jpg]

Senseito Sakura Wrote:
Quote:  and have redesigned the background of the XMB.

waves over ALL backgrounds regardless of it being 01-12 or set from photos???

* SchmilK hopes it takes a week from Friday for DAX to release something...then i can finish moving and not be thinking about playing the whole time  Ahhyes

p.s.  moving sucks...but new house is AWESOME!!!!
[Image: pianoblack_front_e-revised.jpg]

I'm guessing this is gonna be the new XMB background. Personally, I like it.

Sony is finally getting stuff right. The PSN XMB store is awesome, and I'll finally start buying games :D The connectivity between your PS3 accounts and PSP accounts are a direct hit on Nintendo's DSi/Wii system, where neither are connected, and you have to buy points for each.
metalgear08 Wrote:[Image: pianoblack_front_e-revised.jpg]

I'm guessing this is gonna be the new XMB background. Personally, I like it.

Sony is finally getting stuff right. The PSN XMB store is awesome, and I'll finally start buying games :D The connectivity between your PS3 accounts and PSP accounts are a direct hit on Nintendo's DSi/Wii system, where neither are connected, and you have to buy points for each.

hrmm...that photo looks like they just moved the wave down so the center of the original wave is the bottom edge of the screen...like i did on the SchiDeLoaDeR theme :P

haha..Sony needs to get some of us XMB developers to help them with a face lift!
SchmilK Wrote:hrmm...that photo looks like they just moved the wave down so the center of the original wave is the bottom edge of the screen...like i did on the SchiDeLoaDeR theme :P

haha..Sony needs to get some of us XMB developers to help them with a face lift!

No, this one looks a lot flatter and thicker. Hell, Sony should just make an official tool for people to make their own waves, and compile them as like PWF files or something (PTF is Playstation Theme File, PWF would be Playstation Wave File...or something.)
metalgear08 Wrote:
SchmilK Wrote:hrmm...that photo looks like they just moved the wave down so the center of the original wave is the bottom edge of the screen...like i did on the SchiDeLoaDeR theme :P

haha..Sony needs to get some of us XMB developers to help them with a face lift!

No, this one looks a lot flatter and thicker. Hell, Sony should just make an official tool for people to make their own waves, and compile them as like PWF files or something (PTF is Playstation Theme File, PWF would be Playstation Wave File...or something.)

ugh..they should just unleash all the powers to us to make a REAL themes like a ctf... with full access to all positions, labels, and images, not the locked down ptf poo poo :(  

Oh well...lunch time...
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