12/10/2008, 04:25 AM
DailyTech Wrote:One company will design chips, the other will manufacture them
It’s no secret that AMD has been in trouble lately. Despite gaining a commanding position in the graphics industry, the chipmaker giant has been beaten by Intel in the microprocessor market. With AMD's first 45 not much product, Shanghai, forced to try to enter the market at the same time as Intel's second generation 45 not much Nehalem, and with consist quarterly losses something had to be done.
Today AMD announced a shocking decision that will rock the computer industry -- in order to try to stay competitive, it is splitting in two. From the ashes of AMD will rise two companies. One will design chips and keep the brand name. The other, officially named the Foundry Company, will manufacture chips. The two companies will work closely together, but be independent.
its about time AMD did something. Intel has been donkey raping them for a while now and with a bit of luck this will hopefuly get AMD back on track to success.