that article never mentions anything about online play, plus that article is from
LAST YEAR...but if they put it on the Wii and don't put in an online mode, then i might not get it...
oh, who am I kidding? Of course I'll get it
wii's are not kai compatible tigerfan :(
and the online servers may be region locked to japan only, and have a monthly subscription fee.
ain't looking good :(
NOOO not on the wii!!!! i want MH3 so bad but i personally don't care for the wii Graphics much (yes i have one and a ps3).. besides that they game would be overly complicate with have to swing your arms around and stuff... id rather just controll the character like on the psp.. psp version was perfect... i hope 3 comes out for all systems and is basically the same the game with more places you can go (more then one town) and add moew weapons and armor... maybe new styles of weapons like a chain sickle would be cool.. stuff like that... i hope they don't try to fix something that isn't broke
i agree, it was fine on PS2/PSP and the Wii will just overcomplicate everything....although...would be kinda cool to be able to flail the wimote/nunchuck around madly for the dual swords...
^^ yeah im just speaking from own perspective... basiclly if its wii only (doubt it) then i guess i won't be playing it... don't care about online cause i don't have the right router to play online with my psp via kai anyways.. i wann play online bad though lol.. i know its fun as hell
Azumi, get 2nd G, and you can use that new feature that supposed to come with the new firmwares to do kai over PS3....i can hardly wait since my router doesn't support it either
i have 2g and a ps3.. but i know nothing about using kai through a ps3.. could you please link me to info on how to do that?
I say give MH3 multiple control options like Smash Bros. Brawl....that way, if the Wiimote controls suck, you could still use a Gamecube or Wii Classic controller, which in my opinion would be much better than wildly swinging the wiimote anyways......
though it WOULD be fun to start swinging like a maniac with duals....