Endless Paradigm

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So i havent posted here in a while but i hope to start again. I installed windows XP about two weeks ago, but now i will be dual booting with linxu, so im asking you, which distro do you recommend? I had ubuntu for a while before so i know the basics of it.

Home coming is next week, this week is fall break (no school for a week), and i will use this time to hopefully start doing siggies again. Any recommend any good animes? preferably already finished airing because i hate waiting, usually just watch it in a day or two.

So yes that's about all, thanks for reading, arigato, ja ne Bye
fall anime.... is awesome.... so pick up what you can.....

Ubuntu is the best IMO, Kubuntu is still a good favorite of mine as well.
Going to install Ubuntu, newest release.
Should i use wine to run photoshop or crossover?
Also how much would you recommend for the swap drive?
MICk3Y Wrote:Going to install Ubuntu, newest release.
Should i use wine to run photoshop or crossover?
Also how much would you recommend for the swap drive?

WINE is a better codebase.. check the Compatibility Database as well.

Swap depends on ure ram... I'd say 1GB is generous.
Senseito Sakura Wrote:
MICk3Y Wrote:Going to install Ubuntu, newest release.
Should i use wine to run photoshop or crossover?
Also how much would you recommend for the swap drive?

WINE is a better codebase.. check the Compatibility Database as well.

Swap depends on ure ram... I'd say 1GB is generous.

KK, hope i get it right this time :p
by the way i only have 512mb of ram Erk
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