Endless Paradigm

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There's a new program allowing you to change the waves on your PSP background! Now you can have a custom animated wave background! It's a bit tricky though, but looks really cool:

http://pspupdates.qj.net/Wave-hackers-un.../aid/81737 News link
http://forums.qj.net/f-psp-development-f...93935.html Forum topic
http://dl.qj.net/xmbWave-PSP/pg/12/fid/12553/catid/114 Download link

[Image: snap145vw4_qjpreviewth.png?420653]
Hehehe, nice find :)

Only changes the colour though... :/  I still prefer white.

Though, at least it can be done XD
It doesn't change the color, it changes the shape of the waves and stuff (right?????)
It does???  Wow! That's cool!  I made an assumption from all the screenshots I saw... Erk

How freaking cool !!!
very !!
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