Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Aarrgghh What the fudge CTF Bustabust :(
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Ok...I remade the SchmEdiaSchEnteR Theme this weekend for 4.01 and some people responded saying that the ctf was crashing...

So i tried it and couldnt find a problem until i suspended and then accessed any photo, song, video, game, usb...double you tee eff...

So i start with the obvious and start replacing prx and rco...went through and did ALL of them and still had a problem, so then i started REMOVING prx and rco...

I got down to the topmenu_plugin and _icon and STILL the damn thing was crashing.

So now all i have is a CTF with a vsh, resource and module folder and NO THEME FILES and STILL the damn thing crashes...try a different ctf and all is good.

I had done the extended vshmenu and have been experiencing crashes if i exit usb and press select too fast, so i thought MAYBE this was a related problem...

So i want to go and despertar my cementario and for some reason my psp won't make my battery into a pandora..it SAYS it did, but it doesn't.  :(

So i used hellcats recovery flasher and im back and a clean install...STILL ctf crashes, but now i can make my pandora battery again.  :D

Soo...can anyone test the attached CTF...it is the schmediaschenter background ONLY and heres what i would like you to do.

1. Set theme
2. Open a music file........playing.......close it
3. Flick your power switch to go to standby
4. Do that again to turn your psp back on
5. Open a music file...
6. Reply and let me know if your song played after resume or if it crashed.

Nothing destructive can happen...your psp will just crash and eventually turn off.

I am baffled and have wasted too much time on this and have gotten no where :(

Thanks My Fitness Friends
Ok I tried it out and yea it crashed...
it continued/resume where I stopped it.
fat, shut off... lalala..

PS: sony's icon? except wallpaper?
Yes this is a ctf that ONLY has a wallpaper..reason being is that i kept removing rco/prx to determine which file was causing the crashes...turned out none of the files...well MAYBE its the PTF since its the same ptf that i used when i released the very first version of this in PTF...i havent tried to change that :(
Well it seems that would prolly be the problem SchmilK. Lolz. . .
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