Endless Paradigm

Full Version: icons disappear using custom b/g...
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i got 3.10oe and got the icons customized but when i put my custom background in the vsh/resource my icons are replaced by white squares...double you tee eff? anybody know a fix?
Post the topmenu.
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the background image is 480x272 32bit c/d 124kb
i know y.. you did the background behind the waves right?? do a smaller resolution.. 300x170
here try it
^ Not icons problem.. tis the background problem
sweet! thanks alot devil and exbu!
^it was the background too big right??
What resolution is your wallpaper
Don't know why no one can get 480 x 272 to work for them.
Mine works with custom icons
Double post
@ BluDevil what resolution is you bg?
mine... worked on 480x272 before, but now i use around 320-300x170.
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