Endless Paradigm

Full Version: RPG Project #2
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All I'm good for is story, level, monster and item planning. I'm not much for actual designing and since I haven't even done sprite making for a long time I'll probably be no good at designing the graphics.

On the hand since this is EP - THE GAME it wouldn't surprise me if wee used crazy random photos and images for the graphics.
there could be a big boss which is a giant panda!(of chaos)
I've added a modified version of the included game, 1945 (okay, I slightly sped up things too) to demonstrate the splitting concept, for those of you who have worked with Game Maker before.  Details are in the first post.

Oh, and if anyone needs a copy of Game Maker 6, just post here.
I could use one. I can TRY to help but will prolly be better off just helping with Graphics
so could I...

wee need to divide people according to a role...
...so should I take the folder and start bedazzling stuff or what?
uhh... why use the game maker? why not use [very large text][echo]RPG MAKER XP or VX[/very large text][/echo]

seems more logical to make a rpg using that thing. but then game maker takes coder knowledge.
RPG Maker, last time I checked, is restricted to turn based RPGs?
almost. there are some battle codes that will allow for free time battles.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:RPG Maker, last time I checked, is restricted to turn based RPGs?

XP and VX(i think) have their own scripting language so you can use that to make action rpgs.
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