Well I'm pretty much new to encoding and I had a good preset configured but lost it when I reformatted my computer. =\

So, I was wondering what would be a good preset to use when encoding to the PSP. Particularly anime and movies.
anime takes a few trys to get it good
i usually do a 1 pass extreme q21-26 cause it depends and min bout q18 vbr aac-lc around 28+
saturation 1.3 brightness 1
I made a thread on this before :P
Use these settings:
Select: MP4 PSP AVC
Video Encoding:
Select: x264 HQ Ultra
Then press the "E" and put in these settings:
1st Tab:
Encoding Mode: Constant Quality
Quantizer: 21 (lower quantizer - better quality/longer time to encode)
2nd Tab:
SubpixelME: 7 - Ultra High
ME Alogarithm: Multi Hexagon
3rd Tab:
B-Frames: 5
Tick B-Pyramid
Select: ACC-LC ABR 96k/128k (96 will have a smaller files size at loss of sound quality)
Then press the "E"
Encoding Mode: VBR
omfg... don't bother with messing with the settings.
Set Video to Q21 Turbo HQ and Audio to AAC-LC 128kbps.
Not perfect, but good enough quality without sacrificing too much space.
MehHakker Wrote:Audio:
Select: ACC-LC ABR 96k/128k (96 will have a smaller files size at loss of sound quality)
Then press the "E"
Encoding Mode: VBR
don't you knowthe just hitting VBR makes it q50 no matter what bitrate you choose
q27-28 is equivalent to 87kbp/s
so q50 is like 200-300
MehHakker Wrote:I made a thread on this before :P
Use these settings:
Select: MP4 PSP AVC
Video Encoding:
Select: x264 HQ Ultra
Then press the "E" and put in these settings:
1st Tab:
Encoding Mode: Constant Quality
Quantizer: 21 (lower quantizer - better quality/longer time to encode)
2nd Tab:
SubpixelME: 7 - Ultra High
ME Alogarithm: Multi Hexagon
3rd Tab:
B-Frames: 5
Tick B-Pyramid
Select: ACC-LC ABR 96k/128k (96 will have a smaller files size at loss of sound quality)
Then press the "E"
Encoding Mode: VBR
Tried that. The vid is jumpy here and there and the sound is a bit tad horrible..
just do what I posted and enjoy >_>
Senseito Sakura Wrote:*palmface*
just do what I posted and enjoy >_>
Don't think your worked either. Your settings was#2 and it still junps. <.<
You do realize that the vid being jumpy has nothing to do with your codec settings right...?
The only difference the codec settings make is visual quality and file size.
Want to upload a short example of what you're trying to encode?