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I've played tonnes as a kid.  Let's see what I remember:
- Commander Keen 1, 4, 6
- Doom (played the full version later)
- Duke Nukem 1
- Duke 3D
- Wolf 3D
- Blake Stone
- Fury3D
- Pickle Wars
- Jazz Jack Rabbit
- Raptor
- Rescue Rover
- Age of Empires
- Red Alert
- Hocus Pocus
- Some games on Mac which I have no recollection of the names (I recall one called <something> Cafe - the game's somewhat like the ice hockey table game, except the "goal" takes the full width of the table (rather than a small slot) and some opponents have psychic powers)

Have played a lot more, but really can't remember them now :/
Kaiser Wrote:AoE, Chip's Challenge, Wolf 3d and earthworm jim

oh, and tycoons For the win (rollercoaster tycoon, transport tycoon, etc)

Yep, played Chips Challenge back then as well. Was so long time ago.

hmm... lets see, the first games I played were really old dos games. F15, Prince of Persia (the original, on Dos. It's retardedly hard x10), a dos game I only remember as 64.
Assassinator Wrote:
Kaiser Wrote:AoE, Chip's Challenge, Wolf 3d and earthworm jim

oh, and tycoons For the win (rollercoaster tycoon, transport tycoon, etc)

Yep, played Chips Challenge back then as well. Was so long time ago.

hmm... lets see, the first games I played were really old dos games. F15, Prince of Persia (the original, on Dos. It's retardedly hard x10), a dos game I only remember as 64.
damn i remember playing that, it was indeed fudgeing hard
Lolz, Chips Challenge for the win! I used to play that all the time on my old CPU with no internet! Oregon Trail at school!
They had Chips Challenge on one of the primary school computers.  I remember playing that and how pissed off you'd get when you accidentally move into a bug after spending hours on level...
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