Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Elemental Gelade?
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Has anyone seen it? Cause I'm looking to watch a cool anime and like the idea of sky pirates....
Watch it, it's one of the better Animes I've seen.
Thanks will do :D
'Twas decent, but only deserves a 5/10.
Kuu Wrote:'Twas decent, but only deserves a 5/10.

I think it deserves higher than that.  Then again, I might be biased because of the loli. >.>

Story itself and animation was pretty good, so no complaints.


[Image: Necropost.jpg]
the anime is very limited.

edit: OH-noes! i nerco-posted

quick the dispell!

anyways i started a thread over here:
Cool :) I just really want a mix of Sky Pirates/Airgear/Eureka 7 lol that would be perfect :P
i can see Sky Pirates and Eureka 7... but not Air gear in the mix.
Well I mean the gangs from airgear, and the characters :P
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