Endless Paradigm

Full Version: White Square problem
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When i use a high ress background (01-12.bmp) on 3.40 OE than i have problems with the icons and with other people the topmenu works fine. I almost done anything from changing regio to use a high ress bmp with low kb and still same problem. Have anyone maybe solution for this ? Thanks in advance

[Image: snap000mb5.png]
Could you post the topmenu. ill see if i get the same problem.
Here it is
Here try it
Same problem
How big in size is you 01-12.bmp
I know you said it is low but what is the size.
i have tryed diffrent sizes now. first 382kb as normal, than a jpeg named to 01-12.bmp (75kb) same problem. Now with your topmenu it's a little diffrent. I see now the little black square glowing behind them and the cmaera icon is all white now. Realy drive me crazy this problem
Oh when i used your icons nothing showed up bad on mine. Replace the wall with the original 01-12.bmp and tell me what you get.
OOOO F!@# it give me the photo you won't in your 1-12 I'll make it all better
lol yeah ORGAN's good with this stuff.
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