Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [VOTING] Mc Cabe vs Feinicks
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Pages: 1 2
Vote people vote!! :D
Colourful! Nice one McCabe!
schecond van gmv
master chief ftmfw !
boogschd Wrote:master chief ftmfw !

Master Chief and his two sub machine guns!

though I used to LOVE having one machine gun and one plasma rifle..
Voted Cabe... just beautiful... though a better subject to work with [thing/person] would've wourled with colours...

Feinicks that b/g is just... bad..

There has to be substance in both the background and the subject... then you should be able to blend it together.
Senseito Sakura Wrote:Feinicks that b/g is just... bad..

the B/G is simply Mr. Master Chief, the Ultra Senior, the Ultra Blurred Senior..

Feinicks the edges of the render are sharpened too much so the edges look weird :/

Nice work both of ya...
Cabe get my vote, really colorful Madwin
thanks people ^________^

keep on voting!

nice effects feinicks!
Pages: 1 2
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