Endless Paradigm

Full Version: MyPlaza is being mean
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Before everything got reset ages ago...i bought a moon

Now, i can't buy another one after honstly working to save up 500EPigs :(

It tells me i have exceeded the maximum number of times i can buy a moon
Now that sucks.
OMG not fairz!!1
I really, really, really am not trying to be mean, because I know wee hate each other and I really, really, really, want us to be friends (maybe rivals instead of just enemies), but saying "Sorry you can't buy your fake moon" just sounds soooooooo funny to me.

on a side note
* Slushba132 remembers he has enough money to buy said imaginary moon...

i had that when i tried to buy Chuck Norris. after a while though it let me...
Hmmmmm..   Months ago, I bought stock in New Posts/New threads.  

It has since expired, but I can't seem to buy them again now...  It always says: "Connection Error Occurred"

Can this be fixed ??
hmmm i remember i could only buy ine moon so i paid others to buy and send me the moon XD
squee666 Wrote:hmmm i remember i could only buy ine moon so i paid others to buy and send me the moon XD

i know, i bought yours and that why i can't buy one now...

This is all Squees fault ErkErk  Hihi
roberth Wrote:
squee666 Wrote:hmmm i remember i could only buy ine moon so i paid others to buy and send me the moon XD

i know, i bought yours and that why i can't buy one now...

This is all Squees fault ErkErk  Hihi

so its no use for me to buy 1 and donate the moon to you,.!?

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