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feinicks Wrote:
Senseito Sakura Wrote:
feinicks Wrote:why are the images so hi quality? Definitely NOT screenshots, rt?

Not screenshots, but from production... obviously.

Scans, Digital Images, and a couple up there are screens.

but I'd LOVE to see anime in that quality~

Soon, I'm sure...

It'll be uber amazing, don't you think?!

oh yeah, definitely ^_^

if you want to see top notch production of nowadays, 5 Centimeters per Second and Paprika are my recommendations :3
already downloading 5 Cms.

/waits for ef series 2
feinicks Wrote:already downloading 5 Cms.

/waits for ef series 2

of course, Key/Kyoto Anime on DVD is astounding - hopefully CLANNAD will get licensed after Season 2 airs.
<3 5CM
CLANNAD​_~AFTER STORY~​_01​_PAS​_[AQS][Sprocket][TWH][68B2AD69].​avi

Just Released.

nice! first I'll watch the 1st series again.. remember nothing from it.
I'm waiting for their VNs to be translated. I have little interest in seeing the anime versions since they're often vastly inferior to the VNs (Fate/Stay Night, Tsukihime, Utawarerumono...)

As for the ones I've read so far I only read ONE which was before they made the company Key anyway. As far as VNs go its pretty directionless but the cast is well established. The artwork is pretty horrible however.

I am looking forward to the English patch releases for Clannad, Little Busters and Air though. Air in particular since the ideas and themes strike me as the most interesting. Count me out though until they get a release though.
Goshi Wrote:I'm waiting for their VNs to be translated. I have little interest in seeing the anime versions since they're often vastly inferior to the VNs (Fate/Stay Night, Tsukihime, Utawarerumono...)

The official version will be released like when ef gets translated to work on 24 different brands of non-scientific calculators. (Note: translation group already dropped ef).

You're going to be waiting for ages.

But I don't mind waiting. I haven't even finished F/SN yet, all the time up to now.

Goshi Wrote:As for the ones I've read so far I only read ONE which was before they made the company Key anyway. As far as VNs go its pretty directionless but the cast is well established. The artwork is pretty horrible however.

Looking at how old it is, won't expect any better. (Look at Tsukihime artwork compared to new VNs).
Quote:You're going to be waiting for ages.

Yeah I know but I'm a patient man but its often worth the wait. Clannad is near completion though.

Quote:Looking at how old it is, won't expect any better. (Look at Tsukihime artwork compared to new VNs).

True enough, ONE's artwork is hideous but its almost on the same level as Kanon. I shuddered when I saw the H-Scenes and was almost ready to throw up.

Also Tsukihime's artwork is pretty good compared to other old VNs plus outside of H-Scenes the artwork was pretty good.
Assassinator Wrote:The official version will be released like when ef gets translated to work on 24 different brands of non-scientific calculators. (Note: translation group already dropped ef).

You got the non-official version if you want.

The patch was leaked some time ago. I'm sure you can find it if you tried.

Goshi Wrote:Yeah I know but I'm a patient man but its often worth the wait. Clannad is near completion though.

It seems to be in standstill, have some hacking problems they can't pass, and it's just sitting there. Well, at least the last time I checked, which was like 2 months ago.

Hopefully, the new Clannad After Story anime will put some inspiration back into the VN translation team.

I'm also extremely patient, at these kind of waits. (extremely impatient on some other things).

Goshi Wrote:True enough, ONE's artwork is hideous but its almost on the same level as Kanon. I shuddered when I saw the H-Scenes and was almost ready to throw up.

Also Tsukihime's artwork is pretty good compared to other old VNs plus outside of H-Scenes the artwork was pretty good.

Never played ONE, never played any other old VNs. So I have nothing to compare against.

Hmmm... lets see what I've played... Tsukihime, F/SN (part of), Wind - A Breath of Heart, Ever 17, Utawarerumono, and some amount really short ones which I'm not going to list (think Narcissu like).

Out of all these not including the short doujin works, Tsukihime definitely has the worst art.
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