Everyone unanimously calls Microsoft what not.. their products are openly criticised and ridiculed. Their policies are controversies that are subject to gossip...
well you get the general idea..
However, no other OS has the popularity that Win98/2000/Sever/XP/Vista have. Not even the all-so-mighty Linux (with people cribbing "only if it supported this and that") and not even Mac OS. No ohter OS is as easy to customize and configure (probably due to popularity?)
anyways, so do you actually hate MS, like MS or are totally indifferent and just waiting for something that will be better (hopefully), even if its just another MS OS....
I hate MS as a company, but their products i love. except Vista and ME. they simply suck donkey...)
EDIT: I've just had a think about what i just said and maybe I'm a little off...
i don't love Microsoft's products as such. Their OS's on the whole are decent. XP is brill, but like i said above Vista and ME truly suck donkey. Hardware-wise, I have a microsoft intellimouse Pro that was bought in 1996 that i still use to this day. (its my school mouse. at school you can never tell whether the computer you're about to sit down at has a working mouse, and the school thought they were smart when they padlocked the mouse cables onto the computer chassis so you couldn't swap them around, and then lost the keys...) on the other hand i also have an MS joystick that i bought a while ago that died soon after buying it and wasn't compatible with MS Flight Simulator 2002 (!?).
Office is undoubtedly the most popular office suite around and for good reason. I still use 2000 and apart from compatibility issues with newer versions of office (easily solvable) and Publisher not being all that stable i find it perfectly servicable.
Microsoft as a company i hate. their ideas about what people want are way off (Vista) and their ethics are basically non-existant. but, they can write some damn good software...
I dislike MS as a company, and i view thier OS'es as a nescessary evil...
If Linux wasn't so hit and miss (i was told my lappy could support Ubuntu out of the box...but nope
And i would have to do so much work to get my PC wireless dongle to work
Drivers on Linux are great...when they work
MS doesant have that problem, which is why i will continue to use XP, and eventually Vista
Actually I have great respect for Microsoft for how well they've done.
Vista was overcriticized - after I made the change from XP to Vista I'll never look back, it's a good marker for the end of that era [although Win7 will have multitouch capabilities].
They do have a problem with product quality control... they need more intensive testing processes, even tests for End User examples.
I do hate Microsoft sometimes though.. mainly because they suck so much with their software and have really obvious flaws in their products. And sometimes they do come across as evil.. hey... its a love/hate relationship.
baiscally windows is something that's hard to do without, mainly becaus its more popular, there are more developers on ms's os's xp and vista than on linux or macosx, but i'd choose macosx any day over ms's os's, no need to worry about defragmenting, or viruses
As a company, I hate MS. On the gaming side, they love to milk customers for every penny with overpriced products. On the media side, Zune is okay, but imo, the iPod is better. As for OS's, OS X is my OS of choice, and it's better for my general productivity and media stuff imo, but there are things that XP has that OS X will never have, like games for one. Basically, I can't live without either XP or OS X.
Senseito Sakura Wrote:Actually I have great respect for Microsoft for how well they've done.
Vista was overcriticized - after I made the change from XP to Vista I'll never look back, it's a good marker for the end of that era [although Win7 will have multitouch capabilities].
They do have a problem with product quality control... they need more intensive testing processes, even tests for End User examples.
I do hate Microsoft sometimes though.. mainly because they suck so much with their software and have really obvious flaws in their products. And sometimes they do come across as evil.. hey... its a love/hate relationship.
to be honest i love to hate them.. the same goes for Mac's
PC Gaming only works on Windows =(
If it worked on Linux I wouldn't touch Windows ever again. I have mixed opinions about MS though. Sometimes they do some good things but often the bad things they do outweighs them.