Endless Paradigm

Full Version: SOTW # 56 -- Space
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Pages: 1 2
space as in ....

hmm.. this is almost Abstract!
wish i could join but i aint got a house at college yet so I'm sleepin wherever i can!! so i dnt goty internet or photoshop r n e thing till i get a fudgeing house!!!
wow.. that's sad..
i guess people have lost interest in SOTW...

one question:

Space refers to open space as well right? or Universe type space?
wow... 0 Entries.... o_o
Senseito Sakura Wrote:wow... 0 Entries.... o_o

feinicks Wrote:OMG!!!
Honestly though, It ain't a particularly interesting theme :/
Well I am not into sigs anymore and My desktop wasn't working.

If you want to you can take my entry from the firdt space themed SOTW.
Pages: 1 2
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