Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Physical or Chemical Change
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Pages: 1 2
...but the whole process where a cell breaks down food and converts it into fat cells is done on an entirely chemical level. It is taking food and changing it into another substance that is stored on the body for future use.

when you look at the fat on your body it isn't pizza apples and other things you ate it is just that, fat
Generally if the name changes you can call it a chemical change.

Slushba132»has no more ideas

but there are words that don't do this and are words that are exceptions.

that is just how I would think of it anyway
Slushba132 Wrote:...but the whole process where a cell breaks down food and converts it into fat cells is done on an entirely chemical level. It is taking food and changing it into another substance that is stored on the body for future use.

when you look at the fat on your body it isn't pizza apples and other things you ate it is just that, fat
Generally if the name changes you can call it a chemical change.

Slushba132»has no more ideas

but there are words that don't do this and are words that are exceptions.

that is just how I would think of it anyway

so that's the food going thru a chemical change right? .. and not the baby Hmmm

/doesn't want to get technical too much :D
I suppose it is the food...
but the cells of the baby are making the change and the fat joins and becomes part of the baby.

so I guess it depends on what part of a baby you actually consider the baby
diego Wrote:I say physical change. Biology For the loss, Physics For the win!

AGREE! just started my Physics A-level. so far about  7% makes sense...
Physical Change.
Pages: 1 2
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