Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Pirate Party Official Raided after Uncovering State Trojan
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Quote:The spokesperson of the German Pirate Party saw his house raided after the party published a leaked document which showed that the government uses a homemade “trojan” to wiretap Skype conversations. In addition, a server from another party member was seized.

pirate party germanyThe Pirate Party is known for it’s battle against the ever increasing government surveillance on the public. So, when an anonymous whistleblower sent them a internal document which showed that the government went as far as installing trojans on computers, they didn’t hesitate to publish it.

German authorities weren’t too happy about the leak, which might be illegal according to a criminal law specialist, and went after the source. Earlier this week police searched the home of the Pirate Party spokesperson where they hoped to find more information. In addition to the home search, a server from another party member was seized. The server, however, was fully encrypted, so chances are low that it will uncover the whistleblower.

In a response, Andreas Popp, Chairman of the Bavarian Pirate Party said: “A brave person leaks documents to the Pirate Party, to inform the public about a procedure of the Bavarian Government, which is highly likely to violate the constitution. Now this persons is hunted like a criminal. Private rooms are raided, servers get seized.”

Pirate Parties around the world will continue to speak out against these, and other privacy threats. The trojan in question (German) was able to tap into Skype calls and intercept traffic to encrypted websites.

- Source: [HERE]

Skype at your own risk! lol
Gjee,. so who are the crimminals now!

I don't like trojans!
wow dat sucks, but hey the governments of this world have spent their existence's shutting out those who pose a threat to them
"Authority remains authority so long as no one challenges it. The one who does, must be eliminated."
PP For the win.

And fudge that, no Skype taps please, wee have enough Interchocolate to think about without you listening in on how wee downloaded plethorines of spoon. rofl.
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