The Incredible Hulk
Iron Man
The Dark Knight
Well these are the main 4...
I've yet to see Hancock,
I have to admit, The Dark Knight was excellent, but DID drag a bit 3 quarters in...
In terms of enjoyment, The Incredible Hulk really done it for me... and based on the ending
Ironman was excellent too, awesome climatic ending and a change from the usual superhero flow.
What did you think?
I liked Hancock, although dull in parts it was a genrally good film. Except for the ending, which while im not going it, you watch it and think...ok...what the fudge just happened, and why
Iron Man was exceptional, which makes a difference for conversion movies. Hulk i have yet to see, i keep pausing the DL...Dark Knight, im refusing to watch for now, on the griounds im going to hate it because im expecting waaaaaaaay to much (it can't be as good as they say, i refuse to accept that)
roberth Wrote:Hulk i have yet to see, i keep pausing the DL...Dark Knight, im refusing to watch for now, on the griounds im going to hate it because im expecting waaaaaaaay to much (it can't be as good as they say, i refuse to accept that)
Damn you! Just watch them damnit!!
The Dark Knights production IS fantastic, and appeals to practically every audience..
It's hard to say if The Dark Knight is better than the Hulk, though.... cause the Hulk is
don't forget tony stark had a slight appearance in the hulk movie
squee666 Wrote:don't forget tony stark had a slight appearance in the hulk movie
yeah I was also going to point that out...
I think they will make some crazy ultimate super hero movie
the dark knight all the way
Dark Knight!?!?!?
Is there any doubt about it?
Exodus Wrote:Dark Knight!?!?!?
Is there any doubt about it?
lol,,. no not really, but Ironman and the Hulk as superb also xD
mmmm dark knight is the best IMO, but seriously, the only thing i liek in there is Joker, badman role is really really bad