Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I fired my secretary today
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Pages: 1 2 3
Nacos Wrote:copied from hacks..

Jesus, Nacos, who gives a fuck? I mean, other than you. Seriously, I almost never see any positive posts from you anymore. I mean, hardly any of us even go to that stinking AIDS-hole anymore anyway. I'm glad he copied it over to here.
metalgear08 Wrote:
Nacos Wrote:copied from hacks..

Jesus, Nacos, who gives a fuck? I mean, other than you. Seriously, I almost never see any positive posts from you anymore. I mean, hardly any of us even go to that stinking AIDS-hole anymore anyway. I'm glad he copied it over to here.

Thank you MG, probably he has terminal AIDS from that site, and wants to spread it around...
lol, that was great

Kaiser Wrote:
metalgear08 Wrote:
Nacos Wrote:copied from hacks..

Jesus, Nacos, who gives a fuck? I mean, other than you. Seriously, I almost never see any positive posts from you anymore. I mean, hardly any of us even go to that stinking AIDS-hole anymore anyway. I'm glad he copied it over to here.

Thank you MG, probably he has terminal AIDS from that site, and wants to spread it around...
double LOL Hihi
triple LOL ( for no reason..)
ummmmmmmmm ok?
ehhh... xD

totally unexpected but this is ep again
lol, i really thoguht it was real!!!!!! what embarassing moments
Pages: 1 2 3
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