For those of you who still do, or have played SNES...
For me, let's see (all Jap RPGs)...
- Final Fantasy(s)
- Chrono Trigger
- Seiken Densetsu 3
- Star Ocean
Can't think of any more :/
*Wonder Project
*Star Ocean
*Final Fantasy
*Breath of Fire
*Lufia II
*Secret Of Mana
Those are the only games i can play over and over again. :)
Chrono Trigger
Contra 3
Desert Strike
Killer Instinct
Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimate
Super Mario All Stars
donkey kong country?
I never really likes snes games.
I was always on the Ps1
but I really wanted an n64
Super punch out
killer instinct
supermario allstars+world
donky kong country 1,2,3
super battle pinball(jap)
super mario rpg(was that snes??? Can't be assed to look at my psp)
lemmings 2 the tribes(one of my fave lemmings =) )
super mario kart
battle toads in battle maniacs
cool spot
street fighter 2 turbo
mortal kombat 1(prefer on mega drive cause of bloody fatalitys ;D)
lost vikings 1&2